2023 Karthik Rajmohan | Falling&Flying

Falling and Flying

cancelled – verschoben auf später im Jahr

A contact improvisation workshop with Karthik RajmohanContact Improv with Karthik

This workshop invites you to dive deep into the core principles of contact improvisation and its dynamics in a shared space. Exploring gravity, momentum and inertia while developing a relationship with the floor and other bodies. Engaging our range of physical communication from spatial to skin level.

  • How do we embody listening?
  • What is the texture of our touch?
  • Tuning into the functions of the different joints in our body and their relation to the spine, we research how thought and intention can change the quality of movement.
  • How can we use release or resistance in our shared dances?

We allow our bodies to fall beyond conscious choice so that we can readily fly and support our co-creative dances that emerge from simply being present.

Open to: anyone who is interested to take a somatic approach to the mechanics of Contact Improvisation. From beginners who seek improvisational tools to advanced practicioners who want to sharpen their skills.

When: 01.07. and 02.07.2023 from 10:30 to 15:30 (lunch break 12:30 to 13:30)
Where: Tanz-Zentrale, Studio 1
How Much: 120-180 Euros (Sliding Scale is determined by you – from financially strained to financially abundant, please consider stretching your contribution so that others with less financial resources may be supported in joining.)

Sign up:
To register please send an email to karthikrajmohan3@gmail.com

Karthik Rajmohan

Karthik is a Berlin based dancer, teacher and performing artist. He has a Diploma in Contemporary dance(2011) from Attakkalari Centre for Movement Arts and he is the first generation of CI practitioners and teachers from India. He studied CI with Erica Kaufmann, Scott Wells, Nita little and many more.

In the past 12 years he has performed and taught CI in various parts of India, Denmark,Sweden, Norway, Netherlands and Switzerland. Apart from teaching within dance communities in major cities, he has taken CI to children’s homes, Juvenile detention centres and rural communities.

He sees CI as a way to understand laws of physics, human nature and the dynamics of relationship with each other.
